Pubg oyuncu kaldırma

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Forum Üyesi
01-11-2022, Saat: 20:04
Yorumu Paylaş

Açıklama: Oyuncuyu yeniden canlandırmak için ölüm yerinin üzerinde Shift, E veya Ctrl tuşunu basılı tut.
Kurulum: Derlenmiş eklentiyi (sm_revival.smx) eklentiler klasörüne (../addons/sourcemod/plugins/) atın
Komutlar: sm_revival - müşterinin tercihler menüsünü gösterir (canlandırma anahtarı, ek bilgi ve ilerleme çubuğunu gösterir)

sm_revival_version - plugin version
sm_revival_enabled - Enable/disable plugin
sm_revival_tip - Enable/disable key tip at the beginning of the round
sm_revival_msg - Enable/disable chat messages (except tips)
sm_revival_key - Key for reviving (0 - 'duck', 1 - 'use', 2 - 'walk', 3 - no key needed)
sm_revival_pos - Spawn player at: 0 - position of reviver, 1 - his death position
sm_revival_clean - Remove body x sec after the death (-1 - don't remove)
sm_revival_teamchange - Can a player be revived after a team change
sm_revival_enemy - Can a player revive the enemy (the revived player will change the team)
sm_revival_bar - Enable/disable progressbar
sm_revival_percent - Enable/disable save the percentage of reviving
sm_revival_effect - Enable/disable effect (circles) around to place of death
sm_revival_radius - Radius to respawn death player
sm_revival_time - The time after the death of the player, during which the revive is possible (0 - down to the end of the round)
sm_revival_countdown - Time for respawn in seconds
sm_revival_times - How many times can a player revive other players during the round (0 - unlimited)
sm_revival_reset - Reset counter of revived (for cvar 'sm_revival_times') at every: 0 - round, 1 - spawn
sm_revival_noblock_time - Noblocking time after respawn (set at 0 if you have any noblock plugin)
sm_revival_health_cost - Need's health to respawn (if value is less than 0, then this value will be added to the reviver)
sm_revival_maxhealth - The maximum amount of health that a reviver can receive for reviving players (0 - disable limit)
sm_revival_death - Can a player revive others if he have less HP than needed for reviving
sm_revival_health - How many HP will get revived player
sm_revival_frag - Give x frags to the player for revived teammate
sm_revival_rip - Disallow the revival of the players killed: 1 - in the head, 2 - with a knife, 3 - in the head or with a knife.
sm_revival_balance - The difference in the number of live players of the teams, at which player can revive allies (-1 - disable restriction)
sm_revival_soundpath - This sound playing after reviving (empty string = disabled)
sm_revival_nodmg_time - No damage recive time after respawn (set at 0.0 if you have any spawn protect plugin)
sm_revival_color_t - T death mark color. Wrong color code = red
*Set by HEX (RGB or RRGGBB, values 0 - F or 00 - FF, resp., any register).
sm_revival_color_ct - CT death mark color. Wrong color code = blue
sm_revival_color_any - Any death team mark color (sm_revival_enemy = 1). Wrong color code = green
sm_revival_best - Show TOPx revivers at round end (0 - disable)
sm_revival_worst - Show AntiTOPx revivers at round end (0 - disable)
sm_revival_mark_t - Path to the vmt-file in folder 'materials' for the T mark. Wrong or empty path = default mark.
sm_revival_mark_ct - Path to the vmt-file in folder 'materials' for the CT mark. Wrong or empty path = default mark.
sm_revival_mark_any - Path to the vmt-file in folder 'materials' for the Any mark. Wrong or empty path = default mark.
sm_revival_hud_x - HUD info position X (0.0 - 1.0 left to right or -1 for center)
sm_revival_hud_y - HUD info position Y (0.0 - 1.0 top to bottom or -1 for center)
sm_revival_hud_color - HUD info color. Set by HEX (RGB or RRGGBB, values 0 - F or 00 - FF, resp.). Wrong color code = green
sm_revival_hud_mode - Show additional info in the: 0 - chat only, 1 - HUD, 2 - KeyHint (not for CS:S v34)
Beğenenler : spector
Forum Üyesi

Konuda Ara

1 Yorum


Forum Sorumlusu

Forum Sorumlusu
01-11-2022, Saat: 20:18
01-11-2022, Saat: 20:18
Yorumu Paylaş


[Resim: ixbir_MTY3M_1.png]

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